Forbes: The Best Hotel-Worthy Bedding
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We are delighted to find our Eucalyptus Sheets being endorsed and praised by none other than Forbes! We're super excited to be a part of this incredible feature.
Check it out Here!
Written by: Lois Alter Mark
One of the features that makes a luxury hotel room so, well, luxurious is its bedding. Covered in layers of crisp white sheets and topped with plush comforters, cozy throws and tons of pillows, five star beds just beg to be jumped into and often provide the best night’s sleep you’ve had in a long time.
New kid on the bedding block, Sweave is already responsible for thousands of well-rested sleepers. The company launched during the pandemic, when at-home comfort became the number one goal, and their super soft eucalyptus sheets were an immediate hit. Hypoallergenic, eco-friendly and wrinkle-resistant, they have a modern matte finish so you can rest assured they’re not shiny or slippery! They’re breathable and temperature-regulating, and you can sleep well knowing that a tree is planted for every sheet set sold.